Our mission work abroad began in 1982. We both had a desire to obey Jesus’ command to go into all the world and preach the gospel. We were used to difficult situations as we traveled full time in a tent ministry and evangelistic work. But nothing could have prepared us for that first experience. We went to Port O Prince, Haiti and encountered many obstacles that would have turned us against ever going again, had it not been for the zeal, determination, and assurance from God that He had called us for this type of work. We kissed the ground in Miami, but after a few days, we were ready to see where else God would lead. Within months, we went to Jamaica, then to Nassau Bahamas, then on to India and the rest is 26 years of history. We have help to build churches in India where Brother Rogers is overseer of over 80 churches. Our hearts are yearning to do more and with God’s help, we will continue to travel and preach the gospel to every race, color and language, as God opens the way.


When we were in India, we saw the worshipers sitting on the concrete floor during the long services. We felt this was causing much of their back and neck pain. We came home with a burden to buy chairs for the five churches we visited. On March 1, the fist batch of chairs was purchased by Pastor Sam Raj Abraham for the Nagpur church. Pastor A P Daniel is in the process of purchasing fifty chairs for his church and the other three churches will have theirs shortly. More photos will follow as each church gets their chairs installed. May God bless everyone who gave toward this great gift.