April is a nostalgic, emotional month for us, and especially this year. We had 19 wonderful ladies retreats here at VOT, and this bush is filled with memories. We always took pictures of the ladies by the bush, and it was admired by all who attended. I love all of the ladies I met during those 19 years, and they will forever be in my heart.  Happy Spring to all of you AND Happy Resurrection Sunday! Three days changed it all!

We have been busy this past few weeks, preaching, traveling, and working in the vineyard. I have done some online broadcasts, preached in several churches, and I have been working on my new book, The Three Deceivers: Satan, Sin, and Self, which I hope to have published in the Fall. I have some deals pictured on the back page along with our REVIVAL SCHEDULE! Looking forward to seeing you in the meetings!

Your gifts tomissions continue to flow into the hands of those in need. We are planning a mission trip in the fall. The church in Princes Town, Trinidad needs funds for the building.  Also, VOT is helping to repair the roof of a church in Uganda.  If you are looking for fertile soil, these are genuine needs. Also, we support several US evangelists monthly, plus our own ministry! Traveling is expensive, but it’s worth it all!

This is Resurrection week, and we celebrate the empty tomb! What a joy to know that Jesus is alive.  The garden, the mock trial, the beatings, the crown of thorns, and then the crucifixion; on to the taking of His body down from the cross.  It was a nice tomb, loaned for the weekend by Joseph of Arimathea. He wouldn’t need it long!  Now death from a human perspective, is not supposed to bring life. We look at it as an end, a desolate time of loss, grief, and sorrow.  When Jesus died, however, it was the opposite. In Matthew 27:45-54, several things occurred.  First, darkness covered the land for 3 hours. Then Jesus cried, My God, My God, why have you forsaken me? Next, Jesus said it is finished, and the veil in the temple that had kept man from approaching God for centuries, was ripped from top to bottom.  The Holy of Holies was now open to whosoever will. An earthquake began and mountains split open. The Roman soldiers were shaken, and admitted that Jesus was the Son of God! But it was the last event that is so phenomenal. Verse 52, graves were opened, and many bodies of the saints arose. Jesus is famous for flipping the switch, and bringing good out of what was meant for evil. Imagine that! His death raised people from the dead. His decease was so powerful, that when His spirit departed His body, it spiraled down into the earth, and the dead saints couldn’t stay in their graves. They got up, and went into the holy city of Jerusalem and appeared to many. Here is a preview of the next event on God’s calendar, the Rapture of the Church! What a Resurrection Monning! The words of an old song: Graves all bursting, saints all shouting, heavenly beauty all around! I’ll have a new body, praise the Lord, I’ll have a new life.  Friends, His death was not the finish to life, but just a start for you and me!  Hallelujah! It won’t be finished till we get home! Celebrate!

Thank you for your gifts each month. They make it possible for us to do what we do for the Kingdom. We don’t have long left to work for Him. We pray over our mailing list, and your needs matter to us, and to Him. Please pray for us. All our lives, He has been faithful! He won’t fail us now. He is a RISEN SAVIOR!