We ended Part 4 with the meaning of sanctification, which is God’s will for every believer (I Thessalonians 4:3). Which brings us to the question, “What profit is it if He lives in us, but we don’t live FOR Him?” The new birth put His Holiness in us when we were born again, but it is up to us to walk it out. If it stays only on the inside (the heart) it would never be seen or observed by anyone around us. It comes out, and is proven to be in us, by our lifestyle, and that means every part of our way of life. Where we go, what we do, who we pal with, how we dress, talk, and behave all the time, not just in public. Holy people are holy when no one is looking. They are holy at church and holy at home.
II Timothy 2:20-21, Paul said that in a big house, which could be referring to this big world we live in; he said all around us there are vessels of gold, of silver, of wood, and of dirt. Some are noble and good, and some are of no value. Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from these; these is referring to the things that are dishonorable, of no value: useless. He said anyone who does cleanse himself, removes them from his/her life, will be a vessel of honor, sanctified, set apart, and fit for the Master’s use. Notice the emphasis is not altogether on God’s delivering us from the useless, worldly, dishonorable things. No, we must cleanse ourselves from the refuse of this world. We, emphasis on we, must lay aside the weights and sins which would reveal to the world that we are not living a holy separated life. That is our responsibility. Of course, the Holy Ghost is our guide, our helper in knowing what to lay down. The Word of God spells it out, but the Holy Ghost convicts, brings it to our attention, and deals with us about the wrong things that do not depict holiness.
In Philippians 2:12-13, Paul shows us how to grasp what holiness is. He said, “Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.” Then next he says, “For it is Christ which worketh in you both to will, and to do, of His good pleasure.” The phrase “work out your own salvation” has been abused. it is used, many times, to justify sin, or compromise, in the lives of those who feel they have a private interpretation of the Word of God. But this is not referring to any type of deal, or bargain, that you and God have made. There is nothing true about the statement that says, “Me and Jesus got our own thing going.” Many use it to say, “I know the Bible says this, but I prayed about it, and He told me I could do this my way.” It is as if they think God has chosen them to walk contrary to His Word, and that He is allowing some to get away with doing things that His Word is diametrically opposed to. The phrase “work out” in that passage means to cultivate; bring to fruition, or to pursue spiritual maturity. This must be done actively, passionately, and daily, in every area of one’s life. This must be done with a deep, reverential fear of God; trembling at the very thought of doing anything that would be against His nature. It means to use serious caution where standards of living are concerned. It means be radical, yes, and with fanaticism, emotionalism, and throw in a little legalism (see Part 1). Paul is talking about self evaluation in this passage. He is saying to us that we should avoid being involved in anything that would make others question where we stand. Also, you were saved by the name of Jesus; it was Him! He is the one who called you to salvation, convicting you of your sins, and now will you just ignore anything else He wants to convict you of? No! He is working in you now, so you must WORK OUT what He is working in. The Holy Ghost in you would never offend that Holy name by which you were saved. So, we can say, then that holiness is abstaining from anything, any place, or any way that would bring a reproach upon that Holy name. How do we do that? It is found in Verse 13 of this passage. It is the one working in you that gives you the strength, and ability to work it out. Holiness happens when you work OUT what He is working IN. If He is not working in you, you certainly can’t it out. But if He is allowed to work in you, you cannot help by display it to the world around you. It will be automatic, instant, obvious and without difficulty. Like an apple tree bears apples, it doesn’t have to work at it. Why? Because the seed is in it, and it will bear what the seed says it is. The Word of God is like that apple tree. It won’t bear plums, and if you have the seed of the Word in you, you will bear the fruit of it. It is Christ in you, both to will and to do of His good pleasure. He will energize you to live for Him, and fight against anything, and everything, that He is against. He will create the desire in you to live above sin, to abstain from things that His Word is opposed to. It comes with the package. You are a new creation now, and the new man delights to do the will of the one that made him new. If you did not receive this longing to please God, and pursue what makes Him pleased with you, then you didn’t get born again. Holiness moves in when one is truly born again, but it don’t stay IN! It works its way out so that those around us can see it demonstrated by the changes in our living habits. If His holiness came into your heart, it will come out, and all around will realize the changes in you!